
Reach and visibility of vacancies

NR places the public vacancies of clients on this page for greater reach and visibility. Interested parties can apply directly online. In addition, our carefully built network receives the current vacancies directly in their e-mail every week.

Some vacancies may be available in English.

Would you like to know more about or network, training and knowledge centre? Then click here

Our field of work

  • 42% Corporate sector - banks, pension funds, family businesses, private equity firms, utilities companies
  • 43% Semi-public - education, care, housing corporations
  • 15% Charities, culture, industry associations
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High Level Toezicht voor de ervaren commissaris

Lid Bestuur

expertise organisatorische vernieuwing en netwerkontwikkeling
Positie vervuld
Tropenbos International

Lid Bestuur

expertise business development in internationale context
Positie vervuld
Tropenbos International

Drie leden Raad van Toezicht

kennis onderwijsbestuur, expertise onderwijsfinanciën en expertise ICT en digitalisering
Positie vervuld
VO Haaglanden